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Re: Colouring threads and splitting the screen

On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 18:14, Fernan Aguero wrote:
> +----[ Nico Jochens <nico@xxxxxxxxx> (19.Nov.2004 14:37):
> |
> | > >  coloring by thread in not available in unpatched mutt.  I cannot read
> | > > German, but I believe that the png does not display what you think.
> | > 
> | > True, the mails are colored depending on the From/To/Cc headers, that's 
> all.
> | > 
> | >   # private
> | >   color index brightblue   black '~f @jhweiss.de'
> | >   color index brightblue   black '~C @jhweiss.de'
> | > 
> | >   # mutt-users
> | >   color index brightyellow black '~f mutt-users@'
> | >   color index brightyellow black '~C mutt-users@'
> | 
> | But how i make it (IMHO it must gone) that each second thread colored
> | differently.
> |
> +----]
> Nico,
> I think (but it's just a guess) that it's just a coincidence
> that every other thread is colored differently. But the
> author of the screenshot should confirm this :)

I too believe it is a coincidence, but... could it be done? O:-)

It sure would be nice :-)

On a side note, can one assign different color rules to different