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Re: Recent X11 errors ???

Thomas =>

* Thomas Glanzmann <sithglan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004:09:08:21:36:12+0200] 
> Hello Michael,
> > OK, I understand what you are saying; but, I *AM* running X11:
> maybe you don't have a valid cookie. Restart X and retry. Maybe restart
> your computer.
<snip />

OK, I finally shutdown all of my many windows, and restarted kdm this
morning.  For more than ten (10) hours, I was _without_ these symptoms.
Two messages ago, they are back ;<

> > Yes; but, something recently changed on this Debian system, leading to
> > this anomaly, and I would rather fix that than treat the symptom ;>
> I had once such a problem when I managed to get my 200 Gbyte harddisk to
> fill up. :-)
<snip />

Diskspace, per se, is not even close to my problem ;>

> > Well, I often cut-n-paste between various windows.  Now that you
> > mention this, I have also recently noticed the need to hold down the
> > Shift key while pasting on this system.
> hmm? You don't need access to X11 to paste between various windows.
> What you really need is
> set pastetoggle=<F11>
> which enables ':set paste' - paste your stuff and press F11 again.
> > What could be broken?
> I have no idea. But restart X and restart your computer and retry.
<snip />

I haven't yet rebooted this box; nor have I tried the vim configuration.
It seems strange to me that restarting kdm would make the problem go
away for many hours.  That it takes so long to recur, makes me wonder
about problems otherwise.

What do you think?

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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