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Re: Recent X11 errors ???

Hello Michael,

> OK, I understand what you are saying; but, I *AM* running X11:

maybe you don't have a valid cookie. Restart X and retry. Maybe restart
your computer.

> Yes; but, something recently changed on this Debian system, leading to
> this anomaly, and I would rather fix that than treat the symptom ;>

I had once such a problem when I managed to get my 200 Gbyte harddisk to
fill up. :-)

> Well, I often cut-n-paste between various windows.  Now that you
> mention this, I have also recently noticed the need to hold down the
> Shift key while pasting on this system.

hmm? You don't need access to X11 to paste between various windows.

What you really need is

set pastetoggle=<F11>

which enables ':set paste' - paste your stuff and press F11 again.

> What could be broken?

I have no idea. But restart X and restart your computer and retry.

> What do you think?

I think that a console vim should try to access X11 at all. It annoyed
me so much that I added the line years ago to my .vimrc .

If I want a X11 vim I use gvim (it's faster on vertical split than the
one on console)
