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Re: Displaying red fore- and background colors

* Nicolas Rachinsky schrieb am 2004-09-05 um 22:17 Uhr:
> * Jens Kubieziel <mutt-user@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-09-05 18:24 +0200]:
> > I wanted to see all available color combinations and made two test
> > files, a mailbox (<URL:http://www.kubieziel.de/tmp/colortest>) and a
> > rc-file (<URL:http://www.kubieziel.de/tmp/.mutt.colortest>). When I view
> > this mail in mutt ('mutt -F .mutt.colortest -f colortest'), I see all
> > color combinations except red/red (It shows up as white/black) and
> > brightred/red (shows up as brightwhite/black). I played a bit around and
> > looked at the bug database, but didn't find a solution. Do you have an
> > idea, why those colors aren't displayed correct?
> It seems to be no problem with red, but with too many color commands.
> After removing the first half of your commands, it seems to work
> here (the last part is no longer b/w).

Yep, tested it and it worked. However I found some other interesting
effects. If I remove more than 8 lines of color commands it works. If I
remove e.g. 9 lines in the middle of the file, it doesn't work. Here I
have to remove more than 16 lines to make it work.

Furthermore I inserted more color commands (copying existing and
modyfing the commands) and more text into the mbox. All color combis
worked, but not the red ones.

If I change the order of the commands (putting all red and brightred
foreground colors on top), red/red and brightred/red works, but not
yellow/red and brightyellow/red. Now i putted all (bright)yellow color
commands on top and noticed that the "new" last color commands with
(bright)$COLOR/red scheme are not interpreted. So I moved all 
(bright)$COLOR/red commands to the top of the file. But this had no

IMHO this all is unexpected behaviour. Worth a flea report?
Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
Das Problem der Zeitungsberichterstattung liegt darin, dass das Normale
uninteressant ist. Saul Bellow