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Re: Displaying red fore- and background colors

* Jens Kubieziel <mutt-user@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-09-05 18:24 +0200]:
> I wanted to see all available color combinations and made two test
> files, a mailbox (<URL:http://www.kubieziel.de/tmp/colortest>) and a
> rc-file (<URL:http://www.kubieziel.de/tmp/.mutt.colortest>). When I view
> this mail in mutt ('mutt -F .mutt.colortest -f colortest'), I see all
> color combinations except red/red (It shows up as white/black) and
> brightred/red (shows up as brightwhite/black). I played a bit around and
> looked at the bug database, but didn't find a solution. Do you have an
> idea, why those colors aren't displayed correct?

It seems to be no problem with red, but with too many color commands.
After removing the first half of your commands, it seems to work
here (the last part is no longer b/w).
