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Displaying red fore- and background colors


I wanted to see all available color combinations and made two test
files, a mailbox (<URL:http://www.kubieziel.de/tmp/colortest>) and a
rc-file (<URL:http://www.kubieziel.de/tmp/.mutt.colortest>). When I view
this mail in mutt ('mutt -F .mutt.colortest -f colortest'), I see all
color combinations except red/red (It shows up as white/black) and
brightred/red (shows up as brightwhite/black). I played a bit around and
looked at the bug database, but didn't find a solution. Do you have an
idea, why those colors aren't displayed correct?

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
FdI#284: MCSE
May Certified Stupidity Excel (Holger Lubitz)