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Re: /bin/echo - Error when loading mutt

* Rainer Bendig <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [08-29-04 09:59]:
> Hi Michael Tatge, *,
> Michael Tatge wrote on Sun Aug 29, 2004 at 04:35:11PM +0200:
> > As I said above. /etc/Muttrc or /usr/local/etc/Muttrc are likely
> > candidates.
> I commented out all commands called by the config files. but it didn't
> really worked out. I have still tis error.
> If i am calling with the 'config file' /dev/null it worked fine. Maybe
> i have to sit longer over my files ...

Which, as Michael Tatge has tried to convey to you, proves that you
have another muttrc or Muttrc that is being loaded and causing your
conflicts.  Find the other [Mm]uttrc and rename it or correct the
abnormality.  If you do not know how to do this, ask and someone here
will try to lead you thru the process.

mutt -n            tells mutt to *not* read the system Muttrc
mutt -F /dev/null  tells mutt to use /dev/null as the rc file

mutt --help        will show these parameters

Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535
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