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Re: How do I get mutt to open this mail?

Am 2004-08-18 16:38:26, schrieb Odhiambo Washington:
> I am missing something that I believe is obvious, but I am missing it
> anyway.
> There is this folk who posts to the list I am subscribed to and any
> e-mail he 'signs', I cannot open with mutt. Mutt says:

> Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=sign 

> What param do I set in .muttrc to be able to view such mail without
> resorting to another application?

You can write a Wraper like

  ____ ( '/home/michelle/bin/pgpattachment' ) 
|  #!/bin/bash
|  if [ `echo $1 | grep -E "signature.asc"] ; then
|      cat $1
|  fi

and in your ~/mailcap you need

  ____ ( '/home/michelle/.mailcap' ) ___________________________________
|  # ----- User Section Begins ----- #
|  application/pgp;             pgpattachment %s;       copiousoutput

Now if you have no gnupg installed it will automaticly call 
~/bin/pgpattachment and schow the contents of the mime-part

Oh yes, my warper ist much more compley and view zip, tgz, 
gz, rar, po, deb, rpm, srpm...

> Thank you.


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Attachment: signature.pgp
Description: Digital signature