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Re: How do I get mutt to open this mail?

Am 2004-08-18 17:24:54, schrieb Odhiambo Washington:

> > Oh yes, my warper ist much more compley and view zip, tgz, 
> > gz, rar, po, deb, rpm, srpm...
> > 
> Hi Michelle

> I hope you don't mind sharing your wrapper. I could do with it to
> customize to my own use ;)

The wrapper need some binaries to view all attachments

You can download "tdfileview" on my page at


It use following binaries under Debian GNU/Linux:

    apt-cache, ar, bzip, bzip2, cat, dpkg, file, grep, groff, gunzip, 
    gzip, mp3info, nm, rar, rpm, sed, tar, tbl, unzip, zsoelim

Unfortunatly I have not found the following binaries in Debian:

    compress, greeze, ha, lharc, rpm2cpio, unarj, zoo

To let them work, you can put following "mailcap" entries at the 
beginning of your ~/.mailcap

# ----- User Section Begins ----- #
application/octet-stream;               tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-bzip;                     tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-bzip2;                    tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-gettext;                  tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-gzip;                     tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-compressed-tar;           tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-debian-package;           tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-redhat-package-manager;   tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-perl;                     tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
application/x-php;                      tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
audio/mpeg;                             tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/troff;                             tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/vnd.wap.wml;                       tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/x-c;                               tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/x-csrc;                            tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/x-diff;                            tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/x-gettext-translation;             tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/x-log;                             tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/x-vcard;                           tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/x-patch;                           tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
text/x-po;                              tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
# -----  User Section Ends  ----- #

> -Wash


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
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