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Re: Question about PGP Signatures.

On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 10:48:05AM +0900, Derek Martin wrote:
>On Sat, Aug 14, 2004 at 07:12:14PM -0400, Daniel Carrera wrote:
>> I have the patch installed.  That was my earlier solution to this
>> problem.  But I want to avoid PGP traditinal because it's deprecated.
>> I don't like the idea of holding back progress because Microsoft
>> couldn't be bothered to support a standard.  So instead I'm switching
>> to PGP/MIME and just not signing the emails going to Outlook users.

>As a former Pine user, I really find this argument irritating.  The
>fact is there are LOTS of clients which don't handle PGP-MIME, and in
>many cases they aren't likely to any time soon.  The reason has to do
>with international laws regarding encrpytion...  Exporting encryption
>software is generally illegal in the US, though restrictions have been
>relaxed recently, but the fear among some is that they will be
>reinstituted at some not-so-distant future date.  Also using encryption
>software is illegal in some countries, so some development teams refuse
>to add encryptions support, not unreasonably.  Pine is one example of
>another popular mailer (which doesn't suck) that doesn't have PGP-MIME
>support, and probably never will.  This is the major reason I switched
>to mutt, but unfortunately not everyone has that luxury...

Hmm, I don't quite follow your reasoning here. Why would export
restrictions on encryption make it any more difficult for an MUA to
support PGP/MIME?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

Hard work may not kill me, but why take the chance.

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