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Re: Change From Automagically?

* Patrick Shanahan (wideglide@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [040809 17:08]:
> * Christian Holtje <list.mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [08-09-04 16:56]:
> > 
> > Does anyone have a suggestion for this?  A procmail recipe or a fix
> > for mutt itself?  In procmail I have the actual address that
> > recieved it, but how could mutt be made to know to set the from?
> > 
> > I cannot quick think of what the hook would have to look like to
> > look for something like a header in the letter being replied to...
> > Something like
> > X-Mail-Identity: Christian Holtje <list.mutt-users@...>
> > that a hook could turn into the From header...

Hi Patrick!

Thanks for taking the time to reply!

> You have ideas!  Is it really necessary to show them twice.  The mutt
> package contains one of the *best* documentations of any package I
> have seen.

The documentation is quite good.

> I suggest you look in the result of 'locate manual|grep mutt' or 'info
> mutt' and 'info muttrc' or 'man mutt' and 'man muttrc' and pay
> particular attention of 'send-hook'.

Thank you for that suggestion.  That is a handy way to find the
documentation.  In my case, I'm pretty familiar with the
documentation and researched my question before sending the email.
I even put quotes from the documentation in the email so someone
reading the email wouldn't have to look stuff up in the manual!

When I read the documentation for send-hook I get the impression
that it won't do what I want.  "send-hook" makes changes based on
the recipients for the newly created email message.  I need
something that makes changes based on who *really* recieved the
message being replied to.  Not the new outbound email.

This is because I have a lot of disposable email addresses, and I
want to reply to a message and have the same From address as they
sent it to.  It prevents confusion.

> The rest of your ideas show a desire to improve mutt "in your eyes", but
> I hope to not see impletemted.  In any rate, the conveyance of those
> ideas in this venue with the intent to gain change is a wasted effort.

I'm a little confused about this.  It seems very defensive.  I'm
sorry if caused concern somehow.


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