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Re: eol ^M in mutt from certain users

drs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jay Daniels) writes:

>^M at end of line is only seen from users using a program called

>Do I have a problem with mutt showing ^M at the end of lines or is it
>this IncrediMail program the user used to post the message?

I guess the Incredimail authors have a bit to learn about standards.
The following is from my .muttrc:

    # default: no filtering
    message-hook . "unset display_filter"

    # Fix incredimail text's trailing <CR>s
    message-hook "~h \"X-Mailer: IncrediMail" "set display_filter='tr -d \\\\r'"
G. Paul Ziemba  paul+usenetsig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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