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Re: screenshots?

* On 2004.05.02, in <20040502124651.GC2642@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Jay Daniels" <drs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I would like to see some screenshots of mutt using different color
> schemes.  URL?

No idea, but you can try some color schemes by sourcing the color.*
files in the .../doc/mutt/samples directory of the mutt distribution.

> Also, how do find which colors I can use in mutt?

You can use ANSI colors. View[1] the attached file to see them all.
Exactly what color they show as on your screen will depend on your
terminal emulation.

[1] cat(1) and more(1) will show them. Mutt's builtin pager will not.

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                  NSIT::ENSS
        No money,  no book.  No book,  no study.  No study, no pass.
        No pass, no graduate. No graduate, no job. No job, no money.
             T h e   U n i v e r s i t y   o f   C h i c a g o
      black   ^[[30m
   red     ^[[31m
   green   ^[[32m
   yellow  ^[[33m
   blue    ^[[34m
   magenta ^[[35m
   cyan    ^[[36m
   white   ^[[37m
    reset   ^[0m

ANSI ordered
   blue    ^[[34m
   green   ^[[32m
   cyan    ^[[36m
   magenta ^[[35m
   red     ^[[31m
   yellow  ^[[33m
   white   ^[[37m
    reset   ^[0m

ANSI rainbow

       black   ^[[40m
       red     ^[[41m
       green   ^[[42m
       yellow  ^[[43m
       blue    ^[[44m
       magenta ^[[45m
       cyan    ^[[46m
       white   ^[[47m
