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Re: specifying generic save-hook

Just in case others feel the same way..

On April 06 (10:14 EDT), Stewart V. Wright wrote:
> Without wanting to appear to be passing judgement, it
> would seem less than useful to be sorting your mail into
> 'company' related boxes, rather than 'person' boxes on a
> large scale.  I could understand it for particular
> circumstances (i.e. all mail to staff.myisp.com would go
> in a particular box) but I (and most others) see to like
> to be able to remember a correspondents name, not their
> ISP/company...  :-)

This is for my corporate email.  I receive lots of mail
internally, and lots of mail from our "customers".  Our
customers are corporate customers, and have corporate email
addresses -- Joe who works for CompanyA has an email address
like: Joe@xxxxxxxxxxxx, and Larry who works at CompanyB has
an address like: Larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I may interact with companyA a lot in any particular month,
receive dozens or hundreds of messages from between two and
ten different people.

Having the outside contacts sorted by name is actually
rather inconvenient, it's a lot easier to have them sorted
by company.  I have a folder for all "companyA" contacts,
and another for "companyB" contacts.  Whether or not the
email is actually from "Joe" or "Larry" isn't near as
useful, especially for retrieval of old messages.

As I said, I can do what I want, it just means adding
another .muttrc entry every time a new customer pops up..
Which, incidentally, I already have to do for colorizing my
inbox with different colors for customers.  :)