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Multiple Recipient Confusion

I apologize beforehand to those of you who have seen this question way
too much. I've seen it tons in my googling, but I'm still confused. 

I have a wee little web site that I update every now and then, and
I'd like to let my friends and family know. So, I have maybe 30 people I
need to send an e-mail to when these happy times roll around. 

The first suggestion I found was to put a line in my Mutt aliases file
with all the addresses separated by commas. 
  alias update_group <mom@xxxxxxxx>,<dad@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,<brother@xxxxxx>

But, if I put 30 address on there, and keep it current, it seem to me
that would turn into a mess of commas and brackets. 

Another suggestion I found was to use the /etc/aliases, but that seems
to be more of the same - one huge long comma separated string of names
and addresses. 

I wonder, is there any way to reference a text file of addresses from an
entry in my Mutt's aliases file? Something like an alias file for the
aliases file? That way I could have an entry like this in my aliases

  alias update_group /home/greg/.mutt/update_aliases

And then that update_aliases would be a standard "stacked" list, easy to
see, understand, organize and maintain. 

Or, have I completely missed the boat here? 

FYI: I do not host my own web sites. I've looked at Mailman, but it
seems way much more than I need. The e-newsletter program my hosting
company has on their servers stinks (they even admit it, and don't offer
support for it). But, my need is small. Maintenance is slim. 

Thanks ahead of time.


Mutt 1.4.1i on Slackware 9.1 Linux
Curridabat, San Jose, Costa Rica
Yahoo Instant Messenger ID: gregkedro