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Re: 3 Mutt binds for SpamAssassin, if anyone is looking ;)

On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 12:14:36PM -0500 or thereabouts, Daniel E. Eisenbud 


> I did this for a while (except I built the rebuild into the end of my S
> and M (corresponding to your H) macros), but found it to be really slow.
> I replaced it with the following:
> macro index S "C=spamtrain\n!spamtrain\n"
> macro index M "C=mailtrain\n!mailtrain\n"
> where the spamtrain command is
> #!/bin/sh
> sa-learn --mbox ~/Mail/spamtrain --spam
> cat /dev/null > ~/Mail/spamtrain
> and mailtrain is
> #!/bin/sh
> sa-learn --mbox ~/Mail/mailtrain --ham
> cat /dev/null > ~/Mail/mailtrain
> When tagging a hundred spam and training on them, it's far faster, from
> not having to start perl every time, I guess.

Hey, cool script. Thanks! You're right, the provided script is slooow.
