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Re: forgetting passphrase (was "Re: A Laundry-List of Issues")

On Fri, Dec 26 2003 at 04:00:49PM BRST, David T-G 
<davidtg-muttusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> ...and then Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel said...

> %         (BTW, no need to Cc: me, I'm on the list)
> I'm easy; I do whatever your M-F-T: indicates you would like.

        True (as Nicholas pointed out). I was using "lists" (not
"subscribe") with the default followupto=yes, so mutt generated a
Mail-Followup-To header indicating a Cc to me. Sorry, mea culpa, I hope it's
fixed (I'll check hen this message arrives :)

> % > What has to be clever about it?  mutt doesn't know or care whether you
> % > put in the right or wrong passphrase for this key or any other;
> % 
> %         Yes, it knows. Right now, it doesn't care, but it definetly knows
> % (it actually tells you so, and the "patch" is simply calling
> % pgp_void_passphrase() when that happens).
> Well, it can recognize an error, but it doesn't know whether this
> passphrase is right for anything.

        True. I'll try and hack into it later.

> I have multiple keys with different
> passphrases; I would hate for mutt to forget the passphrase because I
> accidentally pick the wrong key!

        That's what I was thinking of when I mentioned a controllable

> %         What I mean by being clever is, if you've typed in a wrong
> % passphrase (and, again, mutt knows when you do), chances are you'll try it
> I can accept that argument.

        Good :)

> %         I actually think this behaviour (forgetting the passphrase or
> % leaving it in memory) should be dictated by a variable, but the default
> % should definetly be forgetting it on error.
> I would accept it if it can be controlled and I definitely think that the
> default should be to not forget :-)

        I can accept a default as it is today, to follow the rule of least
surprise. As I said, I'll try and see how hard it is to have mutt recognize
a passphrase error and add a variable option to forget it.

> % +  {
> % +    pgp_void_passphrase();
> %      mutt_any_key_to_continue (NULL);
> % +  }
> % +
> That's odd.  What did the code do if (err) before the patch?


> %         Sure. But, in this case, I can find no good reason why this
> % behaviour shouldn't be default, or controllable.
> I'll allow the latter but still object to the former.

        I'm happy with the latter :)

> Thanks & HAND & Happy Holidays

        Thanks, you (and all the nice - and, oh well, the mean too - people
on this list :) too, here's hoping for a better 2004 :)

 Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel                         <rbp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 http://isnomore.net                          GPG KeyId: <0x0DB14978>

Right, stop that! It's silly!