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Re: Binding backspace key while using screen

Dnia 18 grudnia 2003r. napisałeś:
> % I've bound a backspace key to a previous-line function in my .muttrc like
> % this: 
> % 
> % bind pager "<backspace>" previous-line
> % 
> % But, unfortunetaly, it doesn't work. :( Well, it works under a normal
> [snip]
> That's because screen has mapped the key over in the top right of your
> keyboard differently than you expect.  You might try "stty -a" to see what
> erase thinks it is

It thinks erase = ^?.

> and then type "echo" and space and ctrl-v and backspace and hit return and
> see what it is -- probably ^? ('delete', IIRC) 

Yes, it is ^?.

> instead of ^H ('backspace') is my guess.  Of course, I'd also guess
> that Thomas Dickey will have the most complete answer on the matter, but
> this paltry attempt might be enough for you.

I tried:

$ stty erase '^H'

But it still doesn't work ie. works only in a ,,pure'' virtal console, not
in screen.

Jacek Masiulaniec