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How to get a summary of new mail in all IMAP folders


How would one get a summary of new mail in all IMAP folders using mutt?

I know that there are some commands that could be used to do it but I'm 
thinking more of a welcome page or something that can just let one know what 
folders have new mail as soon as you launch mutt.

On another note I am moving to all text based apps(the reason for this is you 
can shift your ssh daemon to 443 and access your home box via the internet 
because just about every corporate firewall allows https/443). Mutt seems to be 
the best of the email clients however I have found that it's kind of hard to 
translate between some of the GUI based jargon I am used to and the text based 
commands used in mutt.... 

Can anyone suggest any links regarding mutt from a GUI mail users point of 
view.... I have started putting together a list of things but if it's been done 
before I would rather build on that.

James McDonald
Singleton Australia

61+ (0)2 65712401
61+ 0428 320 219

When in doubt, do what the President does -- guess.

Linux 2.6.0-james6 #1 Mon Dec 8 17:42:21 EST 2003 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
07:40:01 up 14:05, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.32, 0.50