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Re: way to prefix default save file (sender's name) with a directory

On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 12:02:02PM +0100, Michael Tatge wrote:
> * On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 henry nelson (netb) muttered:
> > Say I have 10 people in my department and I want to save their mails all in
> > the same directory, but each with the sender's name (part of address before
> I would use procmail for that.

Now that I have Mutt, I've been trying to give procmail a rest.  It works
hard enough just blocking out all that spam (a few hundred/day now).  :)

> > ``save-hook bob@xxxxxxx ~/dept/bob''?  Or is there some way I could do
> > ``save-hook (bob|dave|ed)@dept.jp ~/dept/[Symbol Meaning Sender's Name]''?
> what about save-hook '~f (bob\|dave\|ed)@dept.jp' ~/dept/%O ?

**EXACTLY** what I've been looking for.  Thanks a million.

> HTH,

MUCH more than you might imagine.  Thanks to your post, I finally found out
why I haven't been seeing things in "doc/mutt/manual.txt".  I don't know if
there are any maintainers of the mutt distribution on this list, but if there
are, I hope they'll consider removing all those embedded control/escape codes
from that file.  I mean if a file has the extension ".txt", that's what it
ought to be, *plain* and simple.  Wherever they occur, e.g., around that
"%O", the rendition gets totally garbled.  (On my machine the only software
which can display that file correctly is Lynx.  I assume Lynx is stripping
all the superfluous, non-ascii codes.)
