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Re: viewing the manual (was "Re: way to prefix ...")

Henry --

...and then henry nelson said...
% "%O", the rendition gets totally garbled.  (On my machine the only software
% which can display that file correctly is Lynx.  I assume Lynx is stripping
% all the superfluous, non-ascii codes.)

Admittedly the .txt would imply plain ascii, but does less or even more
have a problem with the file?

% henry


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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