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Re: Pager view and PGP

Spiro Trikaliotis wrote:
> thanks for your answer.

No problem at all.

> On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 04:06:44PM -0500, Todd wrote:
>> I would guess that this happens on messages where the content is
>> signed 'inline' (aka traditional) instead of using PGP/MIME.  Mutt
> No, this is not the case! It occurs with non-traditional signatures.
> See below for an example.

Ahhh, I see.  Thanks for that.

>> Which means, as you might already know, that mutt knows the message
>> is signed, but that it hasn't been successfully verified.  That's
>> described in the manual section titled, "Status Flags."
> Yes, I know, but that's not the behaviour I see here. GPG
> successfully verifies the message, nonetheless, I only get a small
> "s" (which is more than before).
> I have uploaded an example to
>    http://www.trikaliotis.net/mutt-problem.gz

Got it.

> This mbox type file contains two times the same message, coming from
> a mailing list. I don't know why, but this message came two times,
> not in an identical format, but very close. ;-)
> One of them (the one with "[security]" in its subject) shows the
> behaviour I just described, the other one does not.
> I hope mutt shows the same behaviour on your side.

Yep, same thing.  The message that displays an s has the proper
PGP/MIME content-type of multipart/signed.  The message that does not
show an s has a content-type of multipart/mixed.

Without looking at it too closely, it appears that this is caused by
the list software that processed the first post.  It appended the list
footer as a separate mime part, and the content-type of the message
was then changed to multipart/mixed.  The first mime part contains the
multipart/signed part (which itself contains the body and the pgp sig
as mime parts).  The second part contains a text/plain footer.

If I bastardized the terminology too much, hopefully someone will
correct me for the archives.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Rupert!  I told you to watch the bags!  You were watching the boys
again weren't you!
    -- Stewie Griffin

Attachment: pgp8z8vSzjHzR.pgp
Description: PGP signature