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Re: Pager view and PGP

Spiro Trikaliotis wrote:
> I'm used to see the pager and the "s" for signed messages. Anyway,
> from time to time, I have signed mails where no "s" is shown by
> mutt. If I open that message, GPG is called, and if I come back to
> the pager, the "s" is shown until I reopen that mailbox again.

I would guess that this happens on messages where the content is
signed 'inline' (aka traditional) instead of using PGP/MIME.  Mutt
doesn't know about these messages until it parses them using the
check-traditional-pgp function.  This can be done automatically with
Derek Martin's cool pgp-auto-decode patch [1].

> I should remark that the "s" I see is a lowercase one, not
> uppercase.

Which means, as you might already know, that mutt knows the message is
signed, but that it hasn't been successfully verified.  That's
described in the manual section titled, "Status Flags."

     S  message is signed, and the signature is succesfully verified

     s  message is signed

[1] http://www.pizzashack.org/mutt/

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state.  They forget that
the state lives at the expense of everyone.
    -- Frederic Bastiat, 1848

Attachment: pgp7iGjEyactG.pgp
Description: PGP signature