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Re: set editor, switching from vim to emacs

On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 06:16:12PM -0500, Allister MacLeod wrote:

> Heh..  The only exposure to nonstandard definitions of "ill" I have is
> listening to music by the Beastie Boys.  ("what's the time?  it's time
> to get ill!")

(load looking-for-fight-mode)
...or using anything over a megful to edit text files ;-P
(unload looking-for-fight-mode)

> > second:
> > When I cruise with mutt trough mailing lists I hit reply sometimes
> > begin to type and realize I am addressing personal address. I than add
> > the ml address into CC fielsd by hand. I now there is "L" for mls, but
> > I forget every time...

Well, mailing list replies really are a different concept in some ways.

> > I have to find out if there is an automatism, which tries to answer to
> > an mail list address first when hitting "r". Is that possible?

It is possible.

> > Is on todolist now :)

Well, you can modify my own RC code below to rebind "r" to list-reply
on-the-fly.  What I have instead simply rebinds my R key to confirm
that I really want to reply privately.  This code works without regard
to folders, so you can freely mix list and non-list mail in the same
folder (as I do, which is why folder-hooks are useless to me); the
only restriction is that you MUST view a message before attempting to
reply to it.  (You might as well disable both the reply and list-reply
functions from the index menu, since else you'll get confused.)

$ grep reply ~/.mutt/keymaprc.qwerty | tail -n 2
message-hook . 'bind pager r reply'
message-hook ~l 'macro pager r "<enter-command>bind pager r reply"'

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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