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Re: Maildir question

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 11:47:24AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> ...and then Chris Green said...
> % There seem to be two ways to implement a directory hierarchy in a
> % maildir environment:-
> Yep.  The "right" way is to have only {cur,new,tmp} dirs in your maildir
> and no others, even though at least some imapd programs have "enhanced"
> or "extended" the spec and put more maildirs under a top one.
> I believe, however, that mutt can handle anything :-)

Yes, I'm 90% certain that in the process of playing around with
setting up Courier-IMAP, at one point I had mutt looking directly at
the maildirs on the same host as my imapd.  It may have had some
differences in naming, due to the leading . on the subdirectories.

Who is in charge of the Maildir spec?  The author(s) of qmail?  Can
anyone point out a good reason why adhering to the "only
{cur,new,tmp}" rule is important?  My favorite would be sort of a
compromise between your scheme, David, and Courier-IMAP's.

That is:
    Maildir/    (node with leaf & branches, i.e. {cur,new,tmp} plus ...)
      Lists/    (node with only branches, no {cur,new,tmp}
        mutt/   (node with only leaf, just {cur,new,tmp})
      family/   (noleaf)

So.. $folder = $spoolfile = ~/Maildir/ (or by imap, INBOX)
=.Lists.mutt, =.Lists.guile, =.family.mom, =.family.dad would be
mailboxes, and =.Lists would act as a directory would in mbox mode.

At the moment, though, I'm plenty satisfied with Courier's hidden
directories within my Maildir.


Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx> | http://amacleod.is-a-geek.org/
 Elen síla lúmenn'omentielvo.