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Re: Maildir question

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:01:06PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Chris, et al --
> ...and then David T-G said...
> % 
> % ...and then Chris Green said...
> % % 
> % % There seem to be two ways to implement a directory hierarchy in a
> % % maildir environment:-
> % 
> % Yep.  The "right" way is to have only {cur,new,tmp} dirs in your maildir
> % and no others, even though at least some imapd programs have "enhanced"
> % or "extended" the spec and put more maildirs under a top one.
> I forgot to mention that my choice would be something like
>   home/
>     davidtg/
>       Mail/
>         lists/
>           mutt/
>             mutt-users/
>             mutt-dev/
>           nix/
>             suse/
>               suse/
>               suse-linux-e/
>         family/
>           dad/
>             dad/
>             dad-boats/
>           mom/
>             mom/
>             mom-ballet/
> and so on where you can have a directory structure (instead of the dot
> thing, which is just an imapd way of separating directories) and yet not
> pollute each maildir (above: mutt-users, mutt-dev, suse, suse-linux-e,
> dad, dad-boats, mom, mom-ballet).  I *could* have family/dad/ as a
> maildir with dad-boats/ under that, but it's wrong.  See
>   http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html
> for the full spec.
OK, thanks.  I have actually ended up with something like the above.
The URL you give does say that *some* other directories can appear in
the Maildir mailbox but they are rather special ones, not 'user' ones.

Mutt seems to cope OK anyway.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)