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Re: Headers rewriting problem

 On Sunday, November 9, 2003 at 10:52:20 PM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 08:55:16PM +0100, Alain Bench wrote:
    [LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 when --all-locales shows es_ES.utf8]
>> use "es_ES.utf8" for LANG and $locale
> UTF-8 is the most portable way to specify UTF encoding, so if it works
> on my system I'd rather keep it.

    You're right: UTF-8 is the canonical spelling, and it works.

    Let's take the case from the other side. You can define a locale
with unmunged name by providing a full path as name to localedef(8),
this disables the downcasing and removing of dashes and underscores in
charset names. So say:

| # localedef -i es_ES -f UTF-8 /usr/lib/locale/es_ES.UTF-8

    ...to create a real es_ES.UTF-8 shown in --all-locales and which
will be selected by your LANG in priority over the es_ES.utf8 one.

> installed all locales from the [glibc] build process

    It uses something as "localedef -i es_ES -f UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8"
without path, which creates the munged version es_ES.utf8 in the default
directory /usr/lib/locale/.

>>>> Was the invalid byte raw in sent folder, on sent folder display, or
>>>> the copy/paste generated it?

    Thanks for the files. Both messages are identical¹ to my copies from
the list: Sébastien's is clean, yours is invalid. I'm sorry still don't
know where the problem was, but it seems to have vanished... Now your e
acutes quoted, copy/pasted to askcc and to body are perfect (??).

>>> I purposely changed it to UTF, in order to encourage its use.
>> UTF aware mailers (vast majority) will not notice anything. People
>> with old systems or old mailers unable to see UTF will just be
>> annoyed
> I should swap in a pro-UTF signature line when I send UTF email?

    Yes. And perhaps demonstrate its superior capabilities when they are
needed: Mix Spanish and Hebrew in same mail, use nice math symbols, IPA
phonetic pronunciation alphabet, and so on. No need, no use. Because it
creates unnecessary problems, which is rather dis- than encouraging.

 ¹ Not really identical copies: Your evil iPlanet MTA changes a little
   bit everything for you. But not touching our todays problem. That
   needed to be verified.

Bye!    Alain.
Mutt 1.2.5 users: Do us all a favour, set in_reply_to="%i" in muttrc, so
threading is not messed up by silly mail servers.
Everybody: Let's burn silly iPlanet mail servers. Dump ashes to
trashcan. And void trashcan.