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Re: New marking for Inbox

Allister, et al --

...and then Allister MacLeod said...
% On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 04:17:45PM -0400, Aaron wrote:
% > them. Except that my inbox NEVER has a new marker. Only the other
% > boxes... Even when there's new mail in it.
% > Why do you think that is?
% Mmm.. could be that some other program is updating the accessed-time

Certainly possible, but ...

% value in the filesystem.  I have read that Maildirs are especially

... Maildirs are not at all prone to this; if it's in the new/ dir then
it's new, while in the cur/ dir is not.  [You can actually do a little
fakery with the file names to mark a new/ message as not new based on the
extensions, but that's still not a timestamp thing.]

% prone to this.  Something about mutt determining whether there are new
% messages by comparing last-modified and last-accessed dates for the

Yep -- but that only holds for mbox files, where all messages are lumped
together in one file.  Other formats don't have that problem (though they
have been known to have problems of their own).

% folder.  Maybe you could get around it by having procmail or something
% move all mails from "inbox" to something else which might not get
% scanned by other programs.

Definitely a kludge.  Better to find the offending program(s) and stop
the bad behavior.

% Cheers,
%  Allister


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
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