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Re: [OT] Re: my_hdr as unknown command rejected

On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 10:47:35PM +0200, Pablo Hoertner wrote:
> hi again!
> "i'll be back", someone said. and here i am! :-)
> why is someone that don't fit to your rules a newbie? or an oldbie who has 
> already forgotten those rules? :-D

Oh, simply because I (we?) love labels, and categories, and funny
patterns.  And everyone knows it's cool to be conformist (or is that
nonconformist? "Repeat after me: I am not a follower!")

> sometimes, i don't follow rules, because i don't like them; maybe, because i 
> don't find a "comfortable" way to fullfill them; or simply, because i don't 
> know 
> them. all this doesn't mean, that i'm a newbie ... ;-)

Well, perhaps a key aspect of constantly learning is that even the
most seasoned veteran must take on aspects of a newbie to continue to
grow.  I'd also like to echo SVW's reassurance that all my (our?)
needling is, in fact, good natured.  (Though I judge by your smileys
that you've assimilated that message just fine)

> and who tells you, that m$-users don't want to switch to a _better_ OS or 
> don't 
> know about the problems and the troubles of outlook & co.? i do not know many 
> windozers who use outlook or outlook express.

Something tells me I better keep a moderate amount of tension in the
muscles that control my mandible, lest my tarsal region form an
unsightly and awkward blockage of my windpipe.  Therefore, I plead the

> i just changed my signature without a comment because it was not hard to do 
> and 
> because it's not a big issue for me. if you had discussed with me on the 
> content 
> of this sig and/or told me, that there is a rule that forbids to use 
> (semi-)political sigs and such, and that it was good to follow this 
> particular 
> rule because it has been proofed in "real life" (and so on) i may have 
> reacted 
> in a different way.

afaik, no one has argued with the content of your sig, merely its
presentation.  And, I'm still wondering what it all means, anyway. :)
(s'pose I better follow the URL in it and see, ne?)

> and who tells you, that i understood the relevance of this "limit sigs to 72 
> chars and 4 lines"-rule? to limit the traffic (if that's the point) this 
> messures seems not appropriate to me, because that's about politics 
> (sanctioning 
> spammers etc.) and not so much about a "christian mission", IMNSHO. :-)

Hm.  I think that it's more an issue of prettiness rather than of
traffic limitation.  Also, it may have something to do with channels
of information.  4 lines is enough for a personal identification (name
& affiliation) along with a personal touch such as a joke or
whatever.  More than that might be more appropriately considered
message data, and thusly included in the "body" of any given message.

> sven, wo bleibst du? *laechel*
> tofu is cheese made by artificially manipulated soya. where i come from we 
> use 
> _tofu_ (just like _kaese_ or _topfen_) for bullshit (well, it's "softer"); 
> maybe 
> also for chaos - indeed, it depends on you (the speaker)! :-D

mmmm.. bean-curd.  Mmmmm... processed milk.

> >   (http://www.rodos.net/outlook/
> >    or my adventures at...
> >    http://www.liv.ac.uk/~svwright/mutt/#d221002 )
> thank you for the links. did i quot correctly now? :-/
> btw: usually, i don't quote at all - but archive-readers and others may not 
> like 
> that. :-)
> to finish with: i would not try to convince a newbie, but to give an advice. 
> regarding signatures and such i would do this by PM and wouldn't start a 
> thread 
> on the issue. *g*

The nice thing about putting it in a thread (even a thread that strays
so grossly from its original topic, as this one has) is that then
everyone gets a chance to join in the fun.

> i hope i've got enough smiles in my mails so that nobody feels offended. as 
> i'm 
> not a native speaker, i'm not sure sometimes, wether i'm polite engough or 
> not. 
> i at least can tell you, that i found this thread quite funny and where i put 
> an 
> emoticon i really felt like that. ;-)

Humor = best medicine. :-D

Ta ta,