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Re: attachments: save all

* Antony Gelberg <antony@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [02-10-2003 09:11]:
> Which brings up something I've been wondering for a while.  How can I
> save multiple attachments to a given directory, with the same filenames
> as the attachment names?

I've got a problem there. Though I'm used to tagging them all and then
using just ';s' and save one by one, I get a problem with filenames with
accents (let God forgive those who create them). The filename comes
encoded, and the encoding starts with a '=' (like in
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Crian=E7a1=2Ejpg?= which should really be Criança1.jpg).
If I try to save it with this filename, it will end up in the Mail/
directory. Because of the '=' prefix, mutt figures it must be saved
there. So, I go one by one, fixing the filename by hand, which is
certainly annoying.
Any solution for this (apart from LART'ing the sender and making them
name files correctly) ?

Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora          | Email: bruno@xxxxxxxxxxx
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ UIN: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil              |

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