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"New mail to selected sender" macro?

  I've been percolating on this one for a while, but I can't
conceptualize how to get a macro to do this.  Basically, what I'd like
to do is create a macro, bound in pager and index I suppose, that will
create a new message addressed to the From: address of the currently
selected message.  I realize I can sort of approximate this behaviour
now, by creating a reply and then removing the threading headers, but
I'd rather just have a macro to do the same thing the "m" key does now,
just with the To: field pre-populated.  Any ideas?

  John  ! "You know, when I was in the Boy Scouts they told us the best
 Buttery! way to get warm was to get naked, and get in a sleeping bag
www.io.c! with someone else who was already naked." "Well, maybe you'll
om/~john! get lucky and it'll start raining sleeping bags." -- X-Files

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