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Re: accent problem replying mails

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On Saturday, April  4 at 02:40 PM, quoth Wilkinson, Alex:
>    0n Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 12:21:53PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote: 
>    >>in the .muttrc I have tried with different carset options:
>    >>- set charset="iso-8859-1"
>    >>- set charset="utf-8"
>    >>- and with charset not defined.
>mmm ... i have set in my $HOME/.mutt/settings
>   set charset=//TRANSLIT
>But i cant even remember what that means :(

The iconv library, which mutt can use for charset handling, has some 
interesting features. The //TRANSLIT feature is one of them.

Normally, when converting between character sets, some characters just 
can't be displayed. For example, if you can only display ISO-8859-1 
characters and someone sends you an email with a curly quote (’) in 
it, what can your computer do? That curly quote isn't a displayable 
character *for you*. Normally, the default behavior is to replace that 
character with a question mark. Nice, eh? The question mark is 
*displayable*, but often leads to emails that look like this:

     How?s it going? I?m havin? fun today? how about you?

And that's just obnoxious. The //TRANSLIT feature makes a "best 
effort" attempt to convert those undisplayable characters into 
something resembling what they were supposed to be. So a curly quote 
becomes a straight quote, and an ellipsis becomes three periods. Thus, 

     How’s it going? I’m havin’ fun today… how about you?

Becomes this:

     How's it going? I'm havin' fun today... how about you?

Now, I didn't know that you could set your $charset to simply 
"//TRANSLIT" and it would work. But, if it works for you, that's 

- -- 
The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the 
Christian Religion.
                                        -- US Treaty with Tripoly, 1797
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
