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Re: accent problem replying mails

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On Thursday, April  2 at 06:54 PM, quoth Roger Casaponsa:
>When I recieve an email with some accents it is displayed correct


>but when I reply it, in the editor, they are changed to rares 

"rares"? You mean "invalid" or "incorrect" characters?

>But when i'm editing the mail I can use accents correct and send it 
>correct. It only happens when I push the reply key and start de 
>editor that the characters are changed to rare characters.
>I use vim as editor.

I assume your vim was compiled with support for multi-byte characters?

It sounds like a locale problem.

>my system locales are:

Is that a valid locale on your system? When you run `locale -a`, is 
es_ES@euro in the list? If it's not, then your LANG setting is 

I'm guessing that you probably either want to set LANG to 
es_ES.ISO8859-15 or es_ES.UTF-8, depending on the output of `locale 
- -a`.

>in the .muttrc I have tried with different carset options:
>- set charset="iso-8859-1"
>- set charset="utf-8"
>- and with charset not defined.

DO NOT set the charset yourself. It's *almost* always a bad idea 
(translation: if you don't know what you're doing, don't fuss with 

- -- 
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old. Seek what 
they sought.
                                                        -- Matsuo Basho
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
