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Re: not all attachments shown in pager

Hi there,

I seem to be unable to find a solution myself (or to make sure it's not 
possible), so any help would be appreciated. Is there someone that can 
help me with the following?

 | >Aah. That makes sense. In a more simplified rendering:
 | >
 | >  1                 multipart       mixed
 | >  2 ├─>             text            plain
 | >  3 └─>             message         rfc822
 | >  4   └─>   multipart       alternative
 | >  5     ├─> text            plain
 | >  6     └─> multipart       mixed
 | >  7       ├─>       text            html
 | >  8       ├─>       multipart       appledoubl
 | >  9       │ ├─>     application     applefile
 | > 10       │ └─>     application     msword
 | > 11       └─>       text            html
 | >
 | >So, at level 4 the "multipart/alternative" is shown and mutt's pager 
 | >will show either level 5 or level 6, not both. As I have set 
 | >
 | >  alternative_order text/plain text/html
 | >
 | >it will prefer level 5 attachment to level 6 as level 5 is text/plain. 
 | That seems to work reliable. Setting multipart/alternative as the first 
 | possibility to alternative_order makes it show the other part of the 
 | message. Now, one last question, is it possible to have mutt show all 
 | attachments in the pager, regardless of alternatives? 
 | I don't need all of them to be rendered, but to know other parts of the 
 | message contain more content is usefull. Right now, by looking at the 
 | text/plain alternative (5), I missed the inclusion of a Word docment 
 | (10) in the other alternative (6).

Thanks a lot in advance!

Rejo Zenger . <rejo@xxxxxxxxx> . 0x75FC50F3 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>
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