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Re: Mutt in a script

On 3 Dec 2008 13:08 +1100, by mutt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Peter):
> However if I run the same script from a program I am using I get the LOGGER 
> statement in the messages file but it doesn't send email?

Usually when a program works in one environment (command line) but
fails in another (script, cron, etc.), the culprit is some difference
in the environment settings, and most often, $PATH. Make sure that
when the script is executed, the environment variables are all set to
what you expect. ("env" is your friend here.)

You can also save mutt's exit status immediately after the execution
attempt; it is in $? in sh-like shells (sh, bash, and maybe others as

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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