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how to edit as new

Hi All,
I want to know how to call a old message either in sent or inbox and
edit its content and then send it as a new message without the old
message-id. Will the attachment in old message also be included?

Thanks in advance.

GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24
gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 4434BAB3
唐詩004 張九齡  感遇四首之四
    江南有丹橘  經冬猶綠林  豈伊地氣暖  自有歲寒心  可以薦嘉客  奈何阻重深
    運命惟所遇  循環不可尋  徒言樹桃李  此木豈無陰