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Re: Rolling in sidebar, other mutt-ng type bits?

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 04:05:55PM -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
> I have always wanted mutt to have a 3-paned design, much like most
> any modern GUI-oriented mail reader.  I use wide windows mainly so
> I can see more of the subject line in the index, so I would want a
> top pane which is the full width of the window, to see a partial
> index view.  Then the remaining lower portion I would split
> between the side bar, and the mutt viewer window.  If someone were
> to reimplement the sidebar patch, I would hope that configuration
> were possible, and I would very eagerly await such functionality
> smoothly integrated into Mutt. :)

I'll do you one better: I'll put up money for such a feature.  There
are a few open-source bounty sites ( http://bountycounty.org/ and
https://www.bountysource.com/ are two I just found).  If someone
sets up a bounty for such a feature set, I'll chip in.


They say:  "The first AIs will be built by the military as weapons."
And I'm thinking:  "Does it even occur to you to try for something
other than the default outcome?" -- http://shorl.com/tydruhedufogre
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