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Re: patch: signin & signoff feature (1.5.18)

=- Alex Efros wrote on Wed  8.Oct'08 at 17:17:33 +0300 -=

> > Because no patch is needed to achieve the same.
> > rtfm "attribution" + "signature".
> This is not correct.
> The "attribution" is used only while replying. It isn't designed
> to add "Hi!" at top of new message, it's function is completely
> different.

You're correct, "attribution" doesn't cover new messages.
However, if you really need automatic greetings, you could make a
script to use as $editor which prepends it for your before starting
your editor.

> There two are very simple, clean, and doesn't conflict with
> existing features.

They don't conflict, but aren't required either, because you can
achieve the same easily for a rare case.

"rare": I don't see it widely used, because automatic greetings
(intro or farewell) aren't really much of a gain. It's like running
around with a T-shirt saying something and you assume everybody
should apply it individually to oneself without your individual
attention. If it's up to them anyway, they can make up what they
want without your automatic comment, do you like reading pre-canned
text over and over again?

> If somebody think it's too much to have attribution, sigdashes,
> signature, signin and signoff, then I can ask why there so many
> other variables already exists - we can replace them ALL with
> single variable which define full email template (which will
> contain all signin, attribution, dashes and other things inside)!

Some things are indeed redundant, I'd prefer they went away.
 But the majority is not redundant: if you'd take it away, you
couldn't replace it with something else to achieve the same still
automatically, but doing a lot manual work for each message.

> There a lot of small variables because it increase usability -
> it's easier to do some small change than to setup complete email
> template for each possible case. And MUA is all about usability,
> so this is important thing!

Usability is subjective. For some functionality means even more.

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