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Re: patch: signin & signoff feature (1.5.18)


On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 03:28:45PM +0200, Rado S wrote:
> > Patch to add signin and signoff features is in attach. Use this way:
> > 
> > send-hook .                   'set signoff="\n" signin="Hi!\n\n"'
> > send-hook friend@xxxxxxxxxx   'set signoff="\n\nBug - it's when computer 
> > play with us..." signin="Hello, my friend!\n\n"'
> > 
> > P.S. Is there reasons why so useful and trivial patch wasn't added yet
> > (and won't be added in the future)? I use it for many years.
> Because no patch is needed to achieve the same.
> rtfm "attribution" + "signature".

This is not correct.

The "attribution" is used only while replying. It isn't designed to
add "Hi!" at top of new message, it's function is completely different.

The "signature" doesn't allow to add some bottom line before "-- \n", like:

    Reminder: John, I still wait until you return my book to me!!!
        WBR, Alex.

This should become possible using "signature" with "sigdashes=no", but
looks like there some troubles with it - my mutt-1.5.16 (gentoo) says:
"sigdashes: unknown variable".

Mutt has a lot of similar small features, and that's one of reasons why it
"suck less". There two are very simple, clean, and doesn't conflict with
existing features. If somebody think it's too much to have attribution,
sigdashes, signature, signin and signoff, then I can ask why there so many
other variables already exists - we can replace them ALL with single
variable which define full email template (which will contain all signin,
attribution, dashes and other things inside)! There a lot of small
variables because it increase usability - it's easier to do some small
change than to setup complete email template for each possible case.
And MUA is all about usability, so this is important thing!

                        WBR, Alex.