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Re: searching or wrapping input fields

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:14:46AM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Anton Shterenlikht <mexas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [06-27-08 10:39]:
> > On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 10:22:41AM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > > 
> > > if your terminal program is utilizing emacs keystrokes, <meta-f> or
> > > <alt-f> will go forward one word (white space delimited) and <meta-b>
> > > or <alt-b> will go backward one word.  Maybe this will help.
> > 
> > Patrick, yes, I know about this facility. It is in section 2.2 Editing
> > Input Fields. On my system it's ESC/B and ESC/F to move backwards and
> > forwards one word respectively. This is good, but it would be better
> > to be able to view the whole list at once, or to be able to search within
> > the list.
> other options, set wordwrap in your editor.  I use jed with mail-mode,
> but I know that joe also has wordwrap.  I see the entire list with
> headers enabled in my editor.  
> Not on the text entry line at the bottom of the mutt screen, but after
> <enter> the To/Cc/Bcc lists are all wrapped.  I believe that this (not
> the bottom line) is controlled via .muttrc,
>   set wrapcolumn=-6

I use vi, and words do wrap in the editor, though
not in the input fields.

When I <enter> the To/Cc/Bcc long list,
it  is cut at the terminal edge, not wrapped.

The "wrapcolumn" is not recognised by my mutt:

% mutt
Error in /home/mexas/.muttrc, line 3: wrapcolumn: unknown variable
source: errors in /home/mexas/.muttrc
Press any key to continue...

and it doesn't appear in the manual either:

6.3. Configuration Variables

  6.3.234. weed

  6.3.235. wrap_search

I should probably add mutt -v:
%mutt -v
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many thanks

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
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