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Re: How to deal with new mail?

Ahh, I've got it!
It was tracker, indexing the mails! It updated the access time...
I recognized it when I fetched mails and shortly after that pressed '.',
and, surprise surprise, mutt showed the folders with new mails below the
statusbar, just like you said. But after a second, folder after folder
started to dissappear, until no one was left. That was tracker.
I simply configured tracker to not index the mail directory, and now
everything works all right! And I guess I like the way mutt deals with
new mails... When I now press 'c', mutt proposes a folder with new mail
and I just have to hit return! 

Who needs virtual folders anyway...

Thank you guys for your support and patience!

On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 07:14:21PM -0600, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> For what it's worth, this probably should be done slightly 
> differently. First, you can combine them:
>      macro index,pager G "!fetchmail -k"
> Then, instead of using the key-mapping for "execute program", call the 
> function directly:
>      macro index,pager G "<shell-escape>fetchmail -k<enter>"
> That way, even if you later remap ! to something else, the macro will 
> continue to work without being updated.
> This is also irrelevant to your stated problem, but you probably don't 
> want to just have an ever-growing list of headers to ignore. Instead, 
> do it the other way, and just list the headers you want to pay 
> attention to:
>      ignore *
>      unignore subject
>      unignore to
>      unignore cc
>      unignore from:

Thanks for having a look at my muttrc.
Seems like some useful tips!
