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Re: How to deal with new mail?


> I recently switched from evolution to mutt, and I wonder how to deal
> with new mail. In evolution, all received mail was sorted in
> diffenrent folders, but I had a special folder where all new unread
> mails would show up. I guess it was called a "search"-folder which
> only contained links to the mails in their "real" folders or
> something. If I marked mails as read they would not show up in that
> search folder any more, but in their "real" folders. This was a very
> convinient way to deal with new mail...

I'm afraid that this is not possible with mutt, as it does not have
virtual folders, at least not ones containing mails from several

> I set up mutt with fetchmail and procmail, with procmail sorting mails
> in mboxes. So when I start mutt, I get the index view of the spoolfile with 
> new mails
> in it. But what if I got new mail that was sorted by procmail into other
> mboxes? How do I know there is new mail without checking each mbox?
> I've defined the mboxes according to the mutt manual,
> set folder="$HOME/mail"
> mailboxes =mboxname
> ...but the status bar would only display the number of new mails in the
> mbox I'm currently in and not how many of my mboxes have new mail.

Try pressing '.' (dot) in index, it should list all folders which have
new mail. However, there's question about what exactly is new mail. If
you set mark_old=yes (default), new mail is mail where you haven't seen
even the Subject line in index. If you set mark_old=no, new mail is mail
where you haven't seen body of the mail. (This does not work for IMAP,
but I do have patch available).

> I also don't get this sentence from the manual (3.11 Defining mailboes
> which receive mails):
> "When changing folders, pressing space will cycle through folders with
> new mail."

> What does that mean? Is it when I press c to change folders and than I
> can press space? Or is it when I press y? I didn't see no folder-cycling 
> either way...

Now when you saw several folders having new mail (using the '.'), you
press 'c' and you will be offered first mailbox containing new mail.
Then pressing space will work as documented.

> Another way for dealing with new mail i thought of was this one:
> 1:    Every mail goes to the spoolfile, procmail just filters spam
> 2:    Mails in the spoolfile are displayed sorted and coloured according to 
> their
> scoring, mail from friends first for example
> 3:    Set up some kind of folder-hook-magic to save the mails from the
> spoolfile to their folders when exiting mutt.
> Would this be possible? I fear I've read something about "mutt can only
> save to one mbox on exit"...

I'm not sure about step 3 :) You could write macro which pipes the mail
through different set of procmail rules and deletes the original mail.
Then you could bind such macro to a key. Simply pressing the key would
move given mail to correct mailfolder. This would work only for low
amount of mail, IMO.

I am subscribed to many mailinglists and I receive many emails per day.
I'm having mails sorted directly on IMAP server. Most of the time I'm
looking into my INBOX, where I limit the view only to new mail (press
'l' and type ~N). Time from time I press '.' to see which folders are
also having new mail. (Mutt shows in a status line that new mail in
different folder arrived, but I found it unreliable). Then I just go to
the folder(s) and read the mail(s). If I just don't have the time, but I
want to return really soon, I set the mail back to New state (pressing
capital 'N'), and the folder is still offered as having new mail
available. (This is why I need mark_old for imap).

Useful command here is the 'l'imit. But it's limited itself just to one
folder, and the results are not cached. (For each search mutt goes
through every mail in given maildir). The limit (and search) command is
however quite powerfull


~m>7000 ~s oklahoma ~b camp ~z<10k

Look for mail where subject contains "oklahoma" body contains "camp",
them mail is less than 10kB in size and in your mailbox it's older than
7000th mail.

Hope this helps


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