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Re: encrypt to self with gpgme?

Hi Christoph, 

> I never understood how it comes that gpgme encrypts only FCC with my
> key. Since gnupg is a crypto suite, not a mail user agent, I'd be surprised if
> it has a notion of "FCC", but what do I know... I was never persistent enough
> to dig through the code. 

In fact my fcc is not encrypted with my key, FCC goes to =Sent which is in
fact an IMAP folder in IMAP root:

set record = +Sent


[-- Fehler: Entschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen: Enschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen

> To come to my point: I simply don't know if it also affects the output of the
> gpg command line interface.

You said gpgsm.conf, that's not ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf -- does that mean, there
is another config for gpgme and the config for gpg is not the only one?

> I think you submit feature requests at <URL:http://dev.mutt.org/trac/>.

Will do this later, too busy these days. :-(


***** http://www.lespocky.de *******************************************
GnuPG-FP: 02C8 A590 7FE5 CA5F 3601  D1D5 8FBA 7744 CC87 10D0

Attachment: pgp95KDPV6EvW.pgp
Description: PGP signature