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Re: New mutters 1st aid clues

=- Alain Bench wrote on Thu  3.May'07 at 15:50:50 +0200 -=

> Just a suggestion: Perhaps the 4 links could be better reordered.
> Something like:
>     ...and only last:
>  -4) If nothing helped ==> list archives
> I mean: Most beginner's questions are covered simply by the wiki.
> The list's archives cover the same questions (but answers are
> there harder to find), and more less-frequent problems. If it
> still doesn't help, implicit (5): post.
> Bye!  Alain.
> -- 
> « if you believe users read manuals until end, I've got a bridge to sell 
> you. »

Your sig is exactly the point why I've put it _that_ way. :)

Note: in MuttLists is not just the pointer to the archives, but also
advice to use the other resources (also linked there) before anything
else, even the archives, while the other pages don't point to MuttLists.
 So even if they don't read/ use the welcome msg to the end, they
still have the best starting point if they go just with the 1st link.
 But those smart/ patient enough to read to the end, could immediately
pick and jump to their desired link.

If I'm too psychological there, we can change it to the
"plainlogical" order.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.