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New mutters 1st aid clues

Moin fellow mutters,

to help newbies reach their solutions faster, I've added the
following text to the welcome msg for subscribers. Please review and
report improvements, or even better edit the pages directly.

------ QUOTE BEGIN ------

If you have any question related to mutt usage, then please check out
these pages below. They cover many clues about well known problems and
provide the _FASTEST_ route to an answer which you might be looking for.

Others (might) have posted the same to the lists before you
        - http://WIKI.mutt.org/?MuttLists and their archives(!),

Introduction to mutt
        - http://WIKI.mutt.org/?MuttGuide

Frequently Asked Questions
        - http://WIKI.mutt.org/?MuttFaq

How to analyze mutt problems
        - http://WIKI.mutt.org/?DebugConfig

Please read carefully and report back what helped you or where you
expected to find a solution you're looking for, but didn't find it.

Note: this is a wiki! This means you can improve and correct what is
presented or even add new material about your _own_ findings if it
hasn't been already covered somewhere on the wiki: work in progress.

------- QUOTE END -------

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.