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Re: header field "References:" ?

* On 28.12. René Clerc muttered:

> * Anders Lennartsson <anders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [28-12-2006 09:17]:

> > And to get the message sorted in
> > correctly when it arrives at the mailing list daemon the information
> > in the I-R-T and References fields are necessary, or at least very
> > useful (as I understand it).

<RFC 2822>
3.6.4. Identification fields

   Though optional, every message SHOULD have a "Message-ID:" field.
   Furthermore, reply messages SHOULD have "In-Reply-To:" and
   "References:" fields as appropriate, as described below.
</RFC 2822>

Although they are a "SHOULD" only, they are neccessary for sorting
the message into the mailing list tree.

> Recent versions of mutt contain thread editing functionality.  It will
> still be cumbersome work, linking all threads, but it may be more
> convenient than copying and pasting..

That solves the problem for the people using mutt only - like him.
Others rely on the appropriate header(s).

As a solution mutt could grab the References: header only in those
cases where the user tells mutt to reply to a message (by typing 'r'
or 'L'). When just composing a message ('m') - with pasting the
original into the new message - mutt could keep a References: (and
I-R-T) header added by the user explicitly.

Any comments?
