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Re: how about the notion of filters for replying, etc.

=- Dave Waxman wrote on Wed 27.Dec'06 at 22:52:59 -0500 -=

> On Dec 27 21:17, Travis H. wrote:
> > {...} I was wondering what mutt users thought about the
> > ability to filter messages through external scripts and such
> > as a feature of mutt.
> Personally I think this is an amazingly awesome idea as right
> now I have a mess of folder-hooks, send hooks and macros to do
> things like this. For example, any time I reply to a specific
> list I change my X-Organization; but more to the point I also
> want to change it when I am responding to somebody OFF the list
> (when emails go private to stay off the list). This kind of
> script would allow me to do it (once you write it I am sure, as
> I don't code:))

What could this thing do more than putting the script as your
$editor and let it decide what to do before or after calling your
real editor?
(for other purposes you can catch $sendmail)

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