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Re: how to display contained files number with %folder_format

* Stefano Sabatini <stefano.sabatini-lala@xxxxxxxx> [15.10.06 22:14]:
> Hi mutters.
> There's a way to display in the browser the number of messages
> contained in a folder? I checked the manual without to find nothing
> relevant.
> Another thing I would like to do is to display the size of the folder
> in the same way the nice %c parameter does in $index_format, while the
> corresponding %s $folder_format parameter seems rather limited (it
> displays only the number of bytes, and not e.g. the number of KB or MB
> if the space isn't sufficient to show them, that is rather unpleasant
> and "hard to eye-parse" working with big archives). 
> Did I miss the docs, are the features already there but undocumented or
> is this just something that could be hopefully fixed with a patch?

go to

and read about mutt-sidebar patch

> Thanks in advance.
> stefano

ciao Ataualpa

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sdraiati. [Woody Allen]
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