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how to display contained files number with %folder_format

Hi mutters.

There's a way to display in the browser the number of messages
contained in a folder? I checked the manual without to find nothing

Another thing I would like to do is to display the size of the folder
in the same way the nice %c parameter does in $index_format, while the
corresponding %s $folder_format parameter seems rather limited (it
displays only the number of bytes, and not e.g. the number of KB or MB
if the space isn't sufficient to show them, that is rather unpleasant
and "hard to eye-parse" working with big archives). 

Did I miss the docs, are the features already there but undocumented or
is this just something that could be hopefully fixed with a patch?

Thanks in advance.

"They make a desert and call it peace."
                -- Tacitus (55?-120?)