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Re: PGP etiquette.

On Sat, Oct 14, 2006 at 12:07:07PM +0200, Sander Smeenk wrote:
> Quoting Jonathan Daugherty (cygnus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx):
> > I would be surprised if people got upset about secure mail (or any
> > associated annoyances thereof).
> > Should I sign such messages or not?  What's the Best Practice?
> I do not really mind signed messages on mailinglists, maybe because it
> does not happen frequently on lists i'm on...
> You'd have to think about the added value of signing your messages sent
> to a mailinglist. If you're replying 'RTFM' or just explaining a piece
> of code, what's the added value of a PGP signature?
> Perhaps if you share the exact same name as another person on the list,
> or some kiddo is constantly faking messages to make them look like they
> came from you?
> Personally, i only sign messages that are of private or personal matter,
> or of which the content is of such nature that i'd like to state that i
> indeed am the original sender.
> Mailinglists usually are less informal, so why sign... :-)
> Just my $0.02!

I was about to reply, but you've said almost exactly what I wanted to
say. :)

One of the most appropriate uses of signing on mailing lists is signing
announcements, etc. Anything where there could be adverse consequences
to a forged/altered message. "Me too" and "RTFM" don't need this,

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |